Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers
How can I reset the NetCom to factory settings?
Sometimes it is required to clear any configuration done, and go back to the Factory Settings. Users might think this is possible with the Reset button. It is not done this way. The Reset button is just a way to restart the NetCom without removing the power.
To make a clean configuration the DIP switches must be configured to the pattern of "Factory settings". Refer to the table on top of the NetCom case. When this pattern is chosen, the NetCom has to be restarted, by power off or by using the Reset button. This is for security. When changing a DIP configuration, the ‘Factory settings’ might appear by accident. So the NetCom requires to be restarted with this DIP pattern active to avoid accidental damage of the configuration. While restarting, the NetCom erases the current onfiguration, and replaces the parameter with the default values. When this is finished, the Power LED blinks once. Do not power off or reset the NetCom before this blink is seen.
The Ethernet cable should not be connected, because the NetCom uses DHCP in factory configuration. Without an Ethernet cable it does not attempt to find a DHCP server, which makes a faster reboot process.
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Author: Support
Revision: 1.2
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