Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers

ID #1051

Can I use NetCom Serial Ports from many PCs at the same time?

This question applies to the driver mode of NetCom, which implements Virtual Com Ports in a Windows system.

The driver implements the same limit as the driver for Com1 on your computer. Only one application can open the serial port at a given time. Using the network the driver can not check attempts on other computers, so this check is done by the NetCom itself.

  • You can install the driver for the same serial interfaces on several computers at the same time. This especially applies to multiport NetCom devices like NetCom 413.
  • Only one application on one computer can open the serial interface at a given time. All other attempts from any computer are denied, until the application closes the serial port.
  • Several applications on different computers can open different serial interfaces at the same time, provided these are different interfaces. Either on different NetCom servers, or different interfaces on the same server.

For the next examples assume there are three computers PC A, PC B and PC C. Further there are NetCom 413 A, NetCom 413 B and a NetCom 111. This is a total of 9 serial ports. The drivers for alle these serial ports are installed on all PC as this:
NetCom 413 A: Com3 to Com6
NetCom 413 B: Com7 to Com10
NetCom 111: Com11


  1. PC A can open Com11, PC B opens Com 7. There is no problem with this attempt.
  2. PC B opens Com6, then PC A attempts to open Com6. PC A receives an error now and later, until PC B closes Com6.
  3. PC C opens Com3, PC A opens Com4 and Com5, and PC C opens Com7. There is no problem.

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Last update: 2009-08-10 11:25
Author: Support
Revision: 1.0

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