Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers

ID #1043

I have to use this special protocol ... on the serial port, does your NetCom support it?


The NetCom Serial Device Servers are designed to operate remote serial ports via LAN (network in general). The design target is to operate similar to Com1 in the PC, as close as possible. One of these design requests is to transport the serial data transparently, which means they are handled by the driver without any change.

Since Com1 does not support a certain protocol, the NetCom doesn't also.
This is not a negative answer to your question, you may use your protocol via NetCom. Your software does that in the same way as it does on Com1. If your application supports that protocol on Com1, it also does on the Virtual Serial Port of a NetCom.

Let's assume the NetCom installs the Virtual Com Port named Com5. Open Hyper Terminal, and configure it to use Com5 instead of Com1. Now you have the options to transfer files using protocols like XModem, YModem, ZModem and Kermit, plus some variants.


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Last update: 2009-03-20 15:45
Author: Support
Revision: 1.0

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