Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers

ID #1039

How can I check a problem with my NetCom Server?

First of all be sure to have
  • the latest firmware version
  • the latest driver version
  • the latest version of the manual
All these components are available for download, either on the web page of your product, or in the download center .

Open the manual, and read the section titled "Troubleshooting Guide". Perform the steps for testing named there, especially items 1 to 9. A loopback plug is a DB9 plug with some signals connected internally

Such a plug can be used in RS232 mode.

If there are still problems, reset the NetCom Server to factory settings. For details please read section "Erase Configuration of NetCom" in the manual, or read the How can I reset the NetCom to factory settings? FAQ. In short terms, you have to configure the DIP switch, reboot the NetCom, and wait for the Power LED to blink one time. Then change the DIP switches to RS232, and reboot the NetCom again.

Done that please repeat the "Troubleshooting Guide" procedure.



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Last update: 2009-07-20 15:57
Author: Support
Revision: 1.1

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